
Portrait Commission

Portrait Commission


One-of-a-kind custom cyanotype of one pet or person, 5x7 inches.

Please email 5 different & clear photographs of pet to

If pet -

Within email please include- Name of pet, personality of pet, and any special requests in email. There is no such thing as too much information.

If person -

Within email please include- Name of person & what you are looking for. Once again- there is no such thing as too much information.

I will then email you back with concept idea & with approval start working on piece.

After I finish piece I will send pictures of piece for final approval, once approved, the piece will be shipped out.

Turn around time will vary (about 3-6 weeks)

**Please acknowledge- all pieces are one of a kind, they will be unique and different. Each piece will be a different variation of blue. I will have full creative choices within the work**

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